Wednesday 6 August 2014

Steamed Egg with Shrimps and Shiitake

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 shrimps, 1 Shiitake Mushroom, Scallion

Mushroom - remove the stem, blanch in hot water for 10 minutes
Scallions - chop

Crack the eggs into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt.

Add 1.5 to 2 times of water into the egg. 

Tip 1: Use warm water! (Feel a little hot when water touch your finger)

Give the egg mixture a good stir/beat.

Tip 2: Beat the egg slowly and gently. 

Tip 3: Filter (Most importantly!)

Pass the egg mixture through a sieve, twice.

This can remove all the impurities and bubbles in the mixture.

As you can see the bubbles are minimal after sieved twice.

Then, cover with plastic wrap, put into the steamer ~ 

Steam the egg for 5 minutes until the mixture becomes a little set.

Open the lid, open the plastic wrap, gently put in the shrimps and mushrooms.

The shrimps and mushroom should not sink into the mixture.

Re-cover with plastic wrap, steam for another 7 minutes .

Add some soy sauce on the steam egg, then sprinkle with chopped scallions.


Steam egg is more suitable to add in seafood such as shrimps or clams.

You can also try to cook with some minced meat!

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