Tuesday 29 July 2014

Char Kuey Teow

Char Kway Teow sauce: 
Light soy sauce - 2/3 cup
Dark soy sauce - 1 tablespoon
Oyster sauce - 2 tablespoons
Fish sauce - 2 teaspoons
Sugar - 1 teaspoon

Mix and set aside.

Kway Teow
Ku chai
Bean sprouts
Eggs (a one)
Chopped garlic
Chili paste
Chinese sausage (Lap Cheong) slices
Pre-mixed Char Kuey Teow sauce
White pepper

1. Very hot oil in a Chinese wok, saute chopped garlic, next, shrimp, next Lap Cheong.
2. Put in half of the bean sprouts.
3. Put in the kway teow, add 1 tablespoon to 1.5 tablespoons of sauce and chili paste, stir fried rapidly.
4. Push the kway teow aside of the wok, pour some oil, crack an egg in the middle, drizzle a little sauce and sprinkle with white pepper.
5. Cover the egg with kway teow, add in the other half of the bean sprouts and lala and also ku chai.
6. Stir-fry evenly, serve.

1. Oil and wok must be HOT!

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